Hosting And Management Basics

First thing to keep in mind when it comes to building your private blog network is to avoid footprints. This is such an important topic, we’ll discuss it in a separate article. We’ll cover most of these here also but you’ll still want to go over that article in detail.

Let’s remind ourselves about the definition of PBN:

PBN is a group of blogs on aged domains and hosted on different servers with different IPs. These blogs are created to simulate natural quality backlinks to the owner’s money site.

Everything else is really just common sense. If you’re not sure about how you should do something, you can always open an authority blog in your niche and check what they’re doing and replicate it on your blogs.



It goes without saying but you should always use different hosting providers (preferably reputable), have blogs on different IPs and use the same DNS addresses as legitimate websites.

Always add About, Contact and Privacy pages to your blogs.

Make sure to keep your websites updated (WordPress, theme, plugins) and backed up. Last thing you want to have is a deindexed blog due to a hacker which exploited a one year old security hole in WordPress.

Make sure your PBN blogs look different from one another. Add media and rich text to your posts. Make the blogs look like legitimate niche blogs and not obvious link farms with just a few text posts and links.

Add links to other websites. Don’t just add links to Wikipedia but also to other small niche websites.



Make sure to not use C-Class hosts or old-school SEO hosting. They are way to easily detectable by the search engines.

Never interlink blogs. That means never link from one PBN blog to another.

Don’t do anything that is unique to all your blogs (theme, plugin, signature, name, email, affiliate link, advertiser link, banners etc.).

Don’t use any Google services for your PBN blogs (Analytics, Webmaster Tools, AdSense).

Don’t do 301 redirects for all your 404 pages. Rebuild the strongest subpages and leave the rest.

Don’t use CloudFlare for your whole PBN. And when you do, make sure to cover your tracks fully.

Make sure to not leave any footprints.


Remember, the goal is to make it impossible for the search engines to tell that all these websites belong to you. They should also be unable to tell that they have anything to do with one another.